My 2D game project


This project was started around 3/7/2024. I left it for a while because I got busy with school/work but periodically I add more to it when time allows.

My first inspiration to actually start programming was video games, specifically 3D games. If anyone remembers when Notch used to do those livestreams where he'd write a game in several long episodes completely from scratch, with just Java, that was a huge inspiration to me. At the time I was 13 and not very smart, so I couldn't really understand the math and complexity behind implementing 3D graphics, but I did eventually grasp 2D stuff, and then created my first pong game. Since then, I've made a variety of shitty 2D games, but I've always wanted to make a complete, polished project. So here is where I will do that.

I think it would be cool to make something that provides the freedom to develop skills, interact with mobs/players and explore a world like Runescape, and also perhaps the mechanics to automate and craft things like Factorio. Definitely planning this out more later.

This is entirely being made in python with the pygame library so I can easily render images.

Initial Structure

Here are the main files so far, and what they are going to be responsible for:

Each tile is 64 bits. My first tileset (5x5) looked like this:

But I figured that I'd need a lot more tiles so I'm doing a 10x10 one and building off of that.

I load them in with the Tileset class, then place them using the Map class, then I have the GameState class keep a Map object which the game interacts with.

Here is what the game currently looks like:


I've been adding item related features into the game such as:

I also added an FPS counter which can be toggled with F3.

Here's the item stuff I've been working on: